Jonathan-George Henry Steilmann


M.A. Student



Thesis Title:  A Northern Location In A Southern Story Setting – Exegetical and Historiographical Analysis of Saul‘s Decisive Battle

Advisors:  Dr. Omer Sergi and Prof. Dr. Hannes Bezzel


The scholarly debate on various aspects of the Saul story is still ongoing. In particular, the original scope of the narrative, the actual location of the action, the timing of its writing, and its connection to an early statehood of Israel provide material for extensive discussion. Focusing on 1 Sam 28-31* the results and reasoning of which will be contrasted and evaluated in the context of this research. Emphasis is placed in this context on the question of why there is a remarkable geographical shift in the story of the first book of Samuel that is otherwise mostly taking place in southern settings.

Looking at the Saul narrative and David Rise story, Saul’s places of action are mainly in the southern part of the north-central highlands. However, the decisive and last battle of Saul takes place at Mount Gilboa, approx. 100 km north of his territory. Besides, in biblical contexts the Philistines are usually located in south-west Canaan and are now acting in the Jezreel and the Beth-Shean Valley as well. This unique northern orientation in the story (1 Sam 28–31*) cannot easily be explained in an appropriate way with the proposed reconstructions of the origin of the Saul narrative and the History of David’s Rise. It is precisely this question that this thesis mainly seeks to answer: what is the importance of those northern locations and why is the story of the first book of Samuel shifted there, while it is otherwise taking place in mostly southern settings? This is going to be investigated in light of a new exegetical consideration of the relevant biblical texts. In addition, the archaeological evidence of the Central Highlands and Northern Valleys during the Iron I–IIA is presented to illuminate the geo-political and social situation presupposed by 1 Sam 28-31.


Excavations: Tel Shaddud; Tel Azekah; Tel Moza; Massada; SOL VAA (South Germany);
Additional research project: IBA Burial objects


Links: profile


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