Efrat Nakash



Ph.D Student


Thesis Title: Copper Production and Distribution in the Southern Levant Throughout the Early Bronze Age

Advisor: Prof. Erez Ben-Yosef


The proposed research focuses on archaeometallurgy, which is the study of metal artifacts and metallurgical technologies, and their roles in ancient societies. The research scope is the Early Bronze Age (EBA) in the southern Levant, and its aim is to deepen our understanding of the copper industry and the associated societies during this period.
During the EBA, the primary copper markets of the southern Levant and neighboring regions experienced significant social transformations, including the emergence of the first urban societies in the Levant and the rise of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. Copper, along with metals in general, played a substantial role in these social changes. One of the main hypotheses to be explored is the existence of direct interconnectivity between social processes at the major market areas and those in the marginal desert areas surrounding the copper mines.



Central Timna Valley Project



Academia.edu profile


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